CTASD Administration
At Conemaugh Township Area School District, we hire highly qualified staff members who are dedicated to their own lifelong learning journey. Our staff works diligently to provide a challengingly appropriate education for their students within a supportive environment. We invite you to get to know our staff a little better and to contact them with any questions you may have.
Nicole Dull
P: (814) 479-7575
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Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant
P: (814) 479-7575
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Samantha Rosa
Principal - Conemaugh Township Area Elementary
P: (814) 479-4080
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James Foster
Principal - Conemaugh Township Area Middle/High School
P: (814) 479-4014
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Jarod Feathers
Athletics Director
P: (814) 479-4014
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David Budash
Building and Grounds Supervisor
P: (814) 479-7188
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Brandon Studer
Business Manager
P: (814) 479-7431
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Randy Walker
Food Services Director
P: (814) 479-2328
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Jane Jugan
Special Education Coordinator
P: (814) 479-4080 ext. 3758
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Stacy Dabbs
Director of Curriculum and Instruction
P: (814) 479-4014
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